When it is rainy and wet, it is also perfect conditions for termites in Forest Lake. Michael have treated many homes in Forest Lake over the years.One of these homes was a brick veneer home. The home had substantial damage to the frame of the garage and the bearing beams under the heavy tiled roof. A builder was called in to put in temporary bearing beams to protect the property from even worse damage.

Termites in Forest Lake are very common. There are several factors that make the termites in Forest Lake thrive. The high density of gum trees allows them to nest close to the homes. A majority of the homes in Forest Lake were also victims to a rogue pest controller that only used water to treat the termites! You can read more about that here. Of the homes that was properly treated it has now been more than ten years since their last treatment. The chemicals has since expired which leaves the homes open for termite business. The safest option for you is to prevent the termites to get into your home in the first place, rather than waiting for the disaster to happen. A complete barrier treatment is the absolutely safest option for your home. Read more about treatment options here.
To Contact us
Are you worried that you may have termites? Please do not hesitate to contact Michael:
You can also send us a photo through email or from your smart phone. Michael will have a look at it and let you know what it may be.
Termite Guys Brisbane offer you a free quote to come out and look at your home as well.